We are all in shock from the untimely death of Niall O’Brien
To lose a loved one like Niall , a dear friend and team mate, is one of the most difficult life experiences you will have to face. When the death is sudden, Nialls family, friends and teammates must cope with the sadness of their loss plus all their additional heightened feelings like confusion, questioning of self, anger and coming to terms with his death.
Should you wish to speak to someone in confidence about how you feel or if you need help or guidance to come to terms with Nialls death, please talk to the GAA’s emotional support partners, the Samaritans:
Freephone 116-123 any time of the day or night. You are not alone.
The above service is confidential, and we encourage you to avail of it if you need to talk to someone. Equally, should you know of any of your friends or Teammates, who are struggling to come to terms with Nialls death please encourage them to call.
We ask also that you to keep an eye out for each other, not to be shy or embarrassed about asking for help and to talk to, and support, each other in what must be very difficult time for you. If there is anything we can do to help and support you please let us know.
Signed John O Brien Chairperson Broadford GAA Club