The site might seem quiet for the next few weeks but that’s not because work has stopped. At this time the focus is off-site, getting the steelwork for the roof and its supporting structure ready. This will rise about eight feet from the top of the concrete walls to give plenty of headroom and visibility for the spectators.
The space between the top of the concrete wall and the roof will be filled with glass to provide shelter from the wind and rain. (Not that that will be necessary this year. Were in for a scorcher!)
The gap in the back wall is where the staircase will rise behind the stand from the ground and up to the back of the seating area. Spectators will access the stand from this staircase and then walk down though the seating area as far as the front row.
Likewise, there will also be access to the stand from the front for those that cannot use the stairs for the same reasons.
If you have not yet sponsored a seat, but think that this is something you would like to do, then please contact Pat Donnellan on 087 350 6359 or email [email protected] for further information.
Thank you!